With lightweight steel construction and drywall construction, Protektor ensures all-round great cinema and enthusiastic cineastes – even in small auditoriums
Yes, we like movies on the big screen and love movie theaters. That’s why we at Protektor offer a special cinema program for the simple, efficient and flexible design of rooms and stands in movie theatres.

With the Oscar-worthy interaction of drywall construction and lightweight steel construction, Protektor enables the simple and efficient realization of waiting areas and spectator stands. Specialist companies, cinema owners and movie lovers rate this screening with five stars.
Protektor lightweight steel construction for grandstands, cinemas and auditoriums
edificio lightweight steel construction plays the leading role in our blockbuster cinema program: top quality Made in Germany, extremely efficient and in absolute top form when speed and flexibility are required.
edificio lightweight steel construction profiles are installed quickly and cost-effectively without welding work and – because they are prefabricated and cut to length – are quick to install (specialist contractors always applaud at this point). edificio gives movie theaters, grandstands and lecture halls the desired shape.
In addition, individual edificio components can be flexibly adapted to varying loads. The required traffic load of 500 kg/m2 for public buildings is thus easily met. Standing ovations!