For the sustainable future of the construction industry, we at Protektor are turning in a special circle: The Green Circle – by Protektor

Protektor is the European market leader for building profiles. We are therefore aware of our special responsibility to continuously make the development and production of profiles more sustainable. We do this – with a great deal of commitment, a clear attitude and with the Green Circle.

Our corporate philosophy is based on a deep understanding of the importance of sustainability in the construction industry and the impact of entrepreneurial activity on the environment, society and future generations.

Protektor therefore sees sustainability as an integral part of the company. We are committed to taking ecological, social and economic aspects into account in all our business processes. We focus on using resources sparingly, using environmentally friendly materials and minimizing environmental impact.

Our promise, our contribution

The Green Circle documents our ongoing commitment to sustainability. Each building block enables us to conserve resources and protect the environment. Investments in resource-saving technologies and environmentally conscious action are Protektor’s promise and contribution to even greater sustainability – in the construction industry and for the future of generations to come.


The individual building blocks of our Green Circle

For manufacturing companies, sustainability is primarily about material cycles. The Green Circle – by Protektor illustrates all the areas in which we work on sustainability issues.

We invest in solar energy.

Already important for tomorrow: sustainable energy generation. To achieve this, we use renewable energies and reduce CO2 emissions. For example, with the 3,000 m2 solar plant on our Protektor factory premises in Gaggenau and our involvement in a Spanish solar park. Within the company, we have appointed two teams that are responsible for and drive forward our vision of a “sustainable future in the construction industry”: the Process Optimization team and the Innovation of Engineering team.

We are guided by the R strategies.

Protektor systematically follows the R-strategies, which minimize the consumption of resources and support the recycling of materials. We use specially developed folding techniques in production to reduce the consumption of raw materials and energy. The folding techniques also make things easier for the specialist contractors who process them: the profiles weigh less and are easier to handle.

We are constantly optimizing our production.

Protektor’s footprint is set to become even greener. We promote this ongoing process by continuously optimizing our production and with an ISO 50001-certified energy management system. Our ECON energy management system integrates all data sources – regardless of the manufacturer. This enables us to record and optimize all energy consumption, media and status data. Our software offers key figures for performance evaluation and enables cost and CO2 conversions for cost centers and environmental reporting. Our AP process optimization team explains why this is good for our green footprint.

We disclose information.

With the Environmental Product Declaration (EPD), we provide quantified, environment-related information from the life cycle of our products.

We have our products certified.

Als Teil unserer Bemühungen um nachhaltiges Bauen und Wohnen, engagiert sich Protektor für Qualitätssiegel durch Zertifizierung unserer Produkte im SHI (Sentinel Holding Institut) Programm. Das Sentinel Holding Institut setzt sich für gesundes Bauen und Wohnen ein, indem es strenge Anforderungen an Baustoffe und Innenraumluftqualität stellt. Mit der Einhaltung dieser Standards gewährleisten wir, dass Protektor Produkte die Kriterien für gesundes Wohnen erfüllen und zur Schaffung gesunder Innenräume beitragen. Unsere Produkte haben folgende Zertifizierungen: Qualitätssiegel Nachhaltiges Gebäude (QNG), DGNB Neubau 2023, BNB-BN NeubauV2015, BREEAM DE Neubau 2018. Welche Produkte zertifiziert sind erfahrt ihr hier:

Wir kompensieren den CO2-Ausstoß durch unsere Website.

Basierend auf der Anzahl der Seitenaufrufe unserer Website, wurden die CO₂-Emissionen berechnet. Diese Emissionen kompensieren wir durch die Unterstützung zertifizierter Klimaschutzprojekte. Von erneuerbaren Energien bis hin zu Aufforstungsprogrammen – die geförderten Projekte leisten einen wichtigen Beitrag zum globalen Klimaschutz. Details dazu finden Sie unter Denn Klimaschutz beginnt auch im Digitalen!

We are involved in environmental promotion programs.

Protektor supports environmental promotion programs such as “Sustainable production of plastic products” and participates in innovative research projects such as FLoW-mIT and CLiCE-DIPP. The latter aims to develop solutions that offer considerable potential for reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

We are investing in a sustainable future.

At Protektor, we are aware of our responsibility to inform ourselves about sustainability and to actively develop solutions. This primarily involves practices and technologies that make it even easier to conserve resources and protect the environment. This includes renewable energies, waste and emissions reduction, the promotion of green technologies and sustainable business practices. Protektor is also committed to education and awareness-raising to encourage as many people as possible to take action for positive change. Investing in sustainability means investing in a future worth living.

We provide training on the topic of sustainability.

Training courses for our employees are a focal point with which we promote our sustainable corporate approach. The training courses aim to provide information on the latest environmental issues, raise awareness of environmental issues and impart practical knowledge on how each employee can contribute to greater sustainability. Ideally, these training courses promote a dynamic that helps to embed sustainable practices and a sense of responsibility in all areas of the company.

We are a member of the EcoVadis network.

To promote transparency in our supply chain, Protektor is a member of the EcoVadis network. EcoVadis uses a standardized procedure to evaluate the sustainability of companies and makes them comparable. EcoVadis creates a scorecard that can be shared with customers and suppliers. And what we have already achieved as the European market leader for building profiles, we also want to achieve here: to reach the top – with the continuous improvement of our score and with sustainable supply chains.

We are a member of KLIMAWIN.

KLIMAWIN of the state of Baden-Württemberg is a sustainability management system for companies. With this voluntary commitment, Protektor is committed to sustainable principles. We integrate their implementation into our corporate management and are committed to assuming ecological and social responsibility. The KLIMAWIN guidelines include the promotion of renewable energies, the reduction of the ecological footprint and the implementation of resource-conserving production practices.

We offer environmentally friendly mobility.

As an employee at Protektor, environmentally conscious driving on two and four wheels is made easy for you. Why? We offer particularly attractive leasing options for e-bikes and electric cars. The initiative has been well received: many job bikes and red Protektor Mini Coopers are now roaming the streets in an environmentally friendly manner.


One report, many answers

You can read all about sustainability at Protektor in detail in our sustainability report.


Everything at a glance

We are registered on the “Integrity Next” platform. Here you will find important information about sustainability at Protektor right away.


We participate in the rating program

Ecovadis evaluates the sustainability of companies and creates a score card. Our aim is to continuously improve our score. Our score is currently 52/100.

ecovadis comitted Icon


But you want to know exactly. We are delighted!

Under these links you can find out all about other programs and projects in which we are committed to sustainability in the construction industry.


Sustainability at Protektor: certified, selected and future-oriented

Optimizing for sustainability has no deadline. Ideally, it is a continuous process. That’s how we understand it at Protektor. So here is an interim summary of what we have already achieved – for ourselves and for everyone – in terms of environmental compatibility, social responsibility and economic sustainability.


All information at your fingertips.

Your contact person

Luisa Schäfer
Ingenieurin im Team Innovation of Engineering